Tuesday, September 25, 2012

101 in 101 reboot

It's been awhile since I even thought about this blog.
I spent some time today reading over some of the things I did and didn't do and kinda wished I stuck to it a little harder then I did

So I'm gonna try again.

Some of the items on the last list need to be crossed out.
I may not have gotten them done during the last 101 but I got 'em done.
Some of the things from the last list are going to carry over
Some aren't

There was this guy I knew in high school that I connected with a few years ago that told me the reason why he (or any adult) drinks is because there was nothing left to do.  You've grown up and there's nothing new to life.

I beg to differ.

There's more.
If you have an imagination there is a shit ton more out there that can be experienced.

So one more.
One more try.
I gotta do.
I've got nothing to lose.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What the hell is this? (Last update 4/22/2010)

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
How Am I Doing So Far?

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Some of these are dorky, some of these sound a little insane, some of these sound a little impossible, some of these are my ideas, some of these are ideas I saw on other peoples lists that sounded interesting (you try to come up with 101 on your own).
5 Volunteer at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen 3 times (0/3)
6 Finish painting the den : In Progress/Updated 4/13/10
7 Pay off Visa In Progress/Updated 4/13/10
8 Host a dinner party
9 Eat at home for one month, no carryout, no restaurants, na da
12 Keep track of my spending for a week  In Progress 4/22/10
13 Create a workable budget
15 Keep up on my OaPH blog and Candlelight blog  In Progress 4/22/10
16 Figure out one tradition for one holiday
17 Host a movie marathon (Star Wars/Kevin Smith)
18 Cook 50 new recipes In Process / Updated 4/14/10
19 Wash & Vacuum the truck once a month
22 Organize my pictures
27 Submit something to Post Secret
28 Be a nude model for an art class
29 Watch the sunset and then rise again
30 Go scuba diving
32 Take a ride in a hot air balloon
34 Send out five packages for Anysolider.com
35 Write a fan letter to someone famous
39 Get a Brazilian wax
40 Collect all 50 state quarters
41 Polish my toe nails (nicely) from Memorial Day to Labor Day
43 Kiss someone in the rain
44 Compliment one stranger a week
46 Go sailing
47 Go on a helicopter ride
48 See a screening at Hollywood Forever Cemetery
49 Stay awake until midnight on New Years Eve Updated 4/15/10
50 Go for a ride on a motorcycle… better yet actually learn how to ride a motorcycle
51 Go geocaching
52 Participate in Gimme Your Stuff at least once
53 Learn how to tie the stem of a cherry with my tongue
54 Leave at least five note in random library books
55 Send a message in the bottle… hope that it comes back to me
56 Bungee jump
57 Have a photo shoot with a 50's pin up girl theme
58 Meet a porn star (with my clothes on)
59 Be a bartender for a day
60 Be a member of a "Live Studio Audience"
63 Go on a bike ride two times a month during at least Memorial Day through Labor Day
64 Donate blood when I can
65 Consistently walk the dogs 3 times a week
66 Walk to work twice a month
67 Go rock climbing
68 Go to a plastic surgeon… how much would it cost to get some work done
71 Start learning Italian - one word a day
72 Bone up on XHTML and learn CSS
73 Create a pretty cool website
74 Learn how to change my oil
75 Take a photography class
76 Finish my PMI classes
77 Take PMI certification test
79 Learn all the constellations
80 Enter a writing contest
81 Get my CCW
84 Travel outside of the country
86 Swim in the ocean
87 Take a train to Chicago
88 While there go to Shedd Aquarium
89 Get one of my tattoos removed
90 Get out of bed when my alarm goes off the first time
92 Fly out to NYC and spend a day in Central Park
93 Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
94 Courage to change the things I can
95 CHANGED 2/27/08 - Look for any chance to have a 'You Go Girl' moment
97 Get my sax fixed
98 Rent a house on the beach for a long weekend
99 Go to Vegas… try not to get married again
100 Brush the animals out once a week.
101 Check out AmberWay Stables - start riding again

Friday, April 30, 2010

#95 Look for any chance to have a 'You Go Girl' moment

It's not really a truly "You Go Girl" moment more like a huge sigh of relief when I finished tiling my entry way.

#85 - Write up a list of 100 things that make me happy (4/30/10)

  1. Sitting near the fireplace with my cat on my lap.
  2. James Bond movie marathons (duh)
  3. Laying in my bed, when it's cold out and spooning with my dogs.
  4. Stoffers Macaroni & Cheese with the edges a little crispy.
  5. Unexpected compliments.
  6. Pants that used to be tight that are falling off now.
  7. Hugging my Grandma.
  8. Doing a fall color tour.
  9. Sitting on my front porch in the summer, reading a book and drinking coffee or slurpees.
  10. Going for rides in a Jeep, in the summer, with the top off.
  11. Walking into a bar or coffee shop and they already know what I want.
  12. A home cooked dinner in a big family setting.
  13. A comfy t-shirt, well worn jeans and a pair of Chuck's
  14. Drunken text messages
  15. My neighbor using his snow blower to clear off my sidewalk.
  16. Hot turkey sandwiches with corn and plenty of gravy.
  17. Smiling at a stranger and then the stranger smiles back.
  18. Curling up in a blanket or wearing a shirt that smells like a guy I'm involved with.
  19. Downy Vanilla & Lavender fabric softener.
  20. Making eye contact with a guy that's checking me out.
  21. Walking in the rain.
  22. Getting in one of those moods where I just need to throw shit away... nothing says ahhh more then three huge bags of garbage.
  23. The way my hair looks & feels after a good hair cut
  24. Waking up in the morning... doing all sorts of weird stretches and making crazy funny noises then rolling over and hitting the snooze button on the alarm.
  25. Finding money in a pocket of a jacket that I haven't worn in a few months
  26. Popping zits & ingrown hairs on a guys back.
  27. Looking at the clock when it's 11:11... because someone's thinking about me.
  28. Finding that one last piece of good candy hidden behind the microwave popcorn in the junk food drawer.
  29. Watching elderly couples look at each other lovingly... holding hands... being romantic.
  30. Those stupid "Diamonds Are Forever" commercials.
  31. Secretly sniffing my armpits and realizing that I don't stink.
  32. Napping outside.
  33. When my MP3 player plays the exact songs that I'm in the mood to hear.
  34. Getting walked to my front door after a first date... without any instance that they should come in.
  35. Singing in the car, driving real fast on a nice sunny day.
  36. When my dog or cat knows I'm in a bad mood and curls up with me and doesn't move for awhile.
  37. Rooftop margaritas.
  38. When you hit that point in a relationship when it's ok to fart or burp (occasionally) in front of each other.
  39. When my boss brings me coffee and I don't expect it.
  40. Laughing so hard that my stomach hurts and it's hard to catch my breath.
  41. Cute Craigslists "Missed Connections" posts.
  42. Soggy french fries.
  43. Custard on a cool summer night.
  44. Clean sheets
  45. Sitting outside during a rainstorm... especially when you're out in the woods.
  46. That hour or two after a really good hard work out when the pain feels good and productive but before it becomes really sore.
  47. Old folks that sit on the porch that smile & wave when I'm out walking the dogs.
  48. Not getting a hangover when I was really expecting one.
  49. Hugging a good hugger.
  50. That dizzy feeling I get if I sneeze three or four times in a row.
  51. Wearing clothes that just came out of the dryer on a cold morning.
  52. Watching the three kids that live in a nearby house grow up over the past eight years.
  53. Getting that little piece of goo out of the corner of my eye and it turns out to be a lot longer then I thought it was.
  54. Puppies
  55. A glass of Merlot on a warm rainy night
  56. The smell of fall
  57. Hair gel that smells like Dippity Do and it brings up memories of high school.
  58. Driving along and seeing someone you know and wave at them and they wave back
  59. Taking off my heels after walking around in them for hours and stepping into my comfy slippers
  60. Caribou Spicy Pumpkin coffee... only in the fall :(
  1. a work in process)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

#13 - Create a workable budget

I have one!!!
But it is so restrictive... looks like I'll never be able to leave the house, turn on the furnance, the lights or have a life at all.
I do need a roommate...
Lawd help me!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

#62 Run in a 5K REVISED 4/22/10: Long Distance Bike Ride

This ones a little tricky.
I'm not going to be running a 5K.... more like a 6K the same day I'm gonna be swimming 1,000m, and bike riding 13miles.
I've got 3 months to train.
What the HELL am I thinking!!!!!

Lets face it - I'm not a runner I jiggle to much!
The 5K is out, the triatholon is out buuuuttttt biking is still in.

I've got a couple of options.

There's the Zoo-de-Mack.  The spring one is coming up then end of May '10, the fall one is September 25th... which is also the same day as the Tour de Troit... decisions, decisions, decisions.  There is the Bike the Bridge in June which is 25, 50, 75, 100 miles.

#12 Keep track of my spending for a week

Knocking out two birds with one keyboard.

Keeping track of my spending is sort of a bitch but I started writing this other blog Cutting Coupons by Candlelight which is my way of doing a little bit of writing and figuring out where all my money goes and FUCK does it go fast!!!!!!