Friday, April 30, 2010

#95 Look for any chance to have a 'You Go Girl' moment

It's not really a truly "You Go Girl" moment more like a huge sigh of relief when I finished tiling my entry way.

#85 - Write up a list of 100 things that make me happy (4/30/10)

  1. Sitting near the fireplace with my cat on my lap.
  2. James Bond movie marathons (duh)
  3. Laying in my bed, when it's cold out and spooning with my dogs.
  4. Stoffers Macaroni & Cheese with the edges a little crispy.
  5. Unexpected compliments.
  6. Pants that used to be tight that are falling off now.
  7. Hugging my Grandma.
  8. Doing a fall color tour.
  9. Sitting on my front porch in the summer, reading a book and drinking coffee or slurpees.
  10. Going for rides in a Jeep, in the summer, with the top off.
  11. Walking into a bar or coffee shop and they already know what I want.
  12. A home cooked dinner in a big family setting.
  13. A comfy t-shirt, well worn jeans and a pair of Chuck's
  14. Drunken text messages
  15. My neighbor using his snow blower to clear off my sidewalk.
  16. Hot turkey sandwiches with corn and plenty of gravy.
  17. Smiling at a stranger and then the stranger smiles back.
  18. Curling up in a blanket or wearing a shirt that smells like a guy I'm involved with.
  19. Downy Vanilla & Lavender fabric softener.
  20. Making eye contact with a guy that's checking me out.
  21. Walking in the rain.
  22. Getting in one of those moods where I just need to throw shit away... nothing says ahhh more then three huge bags of garbage.
  23. The way my hair looks & feels after a good hair cut
  24. Waking up in the morning... doing all sorts of weird stretches and making crazy funny noises then rolling over and hitting the snooze button on the alarm.
  25. Finding money in a pocket of a jacket that I haven't worn in a few months
  26. Popping zits & ingrown hairs on a guys back.
  27. Looking at the clock when it's 11:11... because someone's thinking about me.
  28. Finding that one last piece of good candy hidden behind the microwave popcorn in the junk food drawer.
  29. Watching elderly couples look at each other lovingly... holding hands... being romantic.
  30. Those stupid "Diamonds Are Forever" commercials.
  31. Secretly sniffing my armpits and realizing that I don't stink.
  32. Napping outside.
  33. When my MP3 player plays the exact songs that I'm in the mood to hear.
  34. Getting walked to my front door after a first date... without any instance that they should come in.
  35. Singing in the car, driving real fast on a nice sunny day.
  36. When my dog or cat knows I'm in a bad mood and curls up with me and doesn't move for awhile.
  37. Rooftop margaritas.
  38. When you hit that point in a relationship when it's ok to fart or burp (occasionally) in front of each other.
  39. When my boss brings me coffee and I don't expect it.
  40. Laughing so hard that my stomach hurts and it's hard to catch my breath.
  41. Cute Craigslists "Missed Connections" posts.
  42. Soggy french fries.
  43. Custard on a cool summer night.
  44. Clean sheets
  45. Sitting outside during a rainstorm... especially when you're out in the woods.
  46. That hour or two after a really good hard work out when the pain feels good and productive but before it becomes really sore.
  47. Old folks that sit on the porch that smile & wave when I'm out walking the dogs.
  48. Not getting a hangover when I was really expecting one.
  49. Hugging a good hugger.
  50. That dizzy feeling I get if I sneeze three or four times in a row.
  51. Wearing clothes that just came out of the dryer on a cold morning.
  52. Watching the three kids that live in a nearby house grow up over the past eight years.
  53. Getting that little piece of goo out of the corner of my eye and it turns out to be a lot longer then I thought it was.
  54. Puppies
  55. A glass of Merlot on a warm rainy night
  56. The smell of fall
  57. Hair gel that smells like Dippity Do and it brings up memories of high school.
  58. Driving along and seeing someone you know and wave at them and they wave back
  59. Taking off my heels after walking around in them for hours and stepping into my comfy slippers
  60. Caribou Spicy Pumpkin coffee... only in the fall :(
  1. a work in process)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

#13 - Create a workable budget

I have one!!!
But it is so restrictive... looks like I'll never be able to leave the house, turn on the furnance, the lights or have a life at all.
I do need a roommate...
Lawd help me!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

#62 Run in a 5K REVISED 4/22/10: Long Distance Bike Ride

This ones a little tricky.
I'm not going to be running a 5K.... more like a 6K the same day I'm gonna be swimming 1,000m, and bike riding 13miles.
I've got 3 months to train.
What the HELL am I thinking!!!!!

Lets face it - I'm not a runner I jiggle to much!
The 5K is out, the triatholon is out buuuuttttt biking is still in.

I've got a couple of options.

There's the Zoo-de-Mack.  The spring one is coming up then end of May '10, the fall one is September 25th... which is also the same day as the Tour de Troit... decisions, decisions, decisions.  There is the Bike the Bridge in June which is 25, 50, 75, 100 miles.

#12 Keep track of my spending for a week

Knocking out two birds with one keyboard.

Keeping track of my spending is sort of a bitch but I started writing this other blog Cutting Coupons by Candlelight which is my way of doing a little bit of writing and figuring out where all my money goes and FUCK does it go fast!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Habits vs Accomplishments

I seem to be doing well on the Accomplishments.  Probably would've done better if I hadn't taken a 8 months off during my social coma or if I actually remembered this project existed.

Seems like I have to start working on the Habits portion of the "101".

There seems to me that there is a little confusion on how long it takes to make a habit part of a continuing lifestyle.  Is it 21 days or 28 days. And after that period of time how long do you continue to do it so that it's a lifestyle and not just an occasional thing.

There's 19 Habits that I want to develop.
Normally I would try to do EV-ery single one of them all at once and get completely frustrated and give up.

I don't want that to happen.

So the question now is... which one (or should I do two) should I start with?

5 Volunteer at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen 3 times (0/3)
9 Eat at home for one month, no carryout, no restaurants, na da
12 Keep track of my spending for a week
13 Create a workable budget
15 Keep up on my OaPH blog and Candlelight blog
19 Wash & Vacuum the truck once a month
34 Send out five packages for
44 Compliment one stranger a week
63 Go on a bike ride two times a month during at least Memorial Day through Labor Day
64 Donate blood when I can
65 Consistently walk the dogs 3 times a week
66 Walk to work twice a month 
71 Start learning Italian - one word a day  
90 Get out of bed when my alarm goes off the first time

#83 Call into work - take a mental health day and go to the zoo or a baseball game

Didn't go to the zoo...
Didn't go to a baseball game...
But I did take an unplanned day off in March and extended a four day road trip to five days.
We left Little Rock on Sunday later then we wanted to so that was playing against us. The whole idea was to take things pretty casually to relax and enjoy so when we started getting closer to Memphis the draw of Graceland sucked us in.
Funny thing is that I always thought that there would be something waiting for me at Graceland. There was nothing waiting for me there but the trek to get there was pretty enlightening. I'm glad we went.
Instead of driving 9 hours straight back to the C we spent the night in Nashville. I called in Monday morning and I have no regrets.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

#70 Learn how to snowboard

Random Facebook update bitching about being at work when I actually took the day off led me to bugging out early and hitting Pine Knob with Healy and learning how to board.
So much fun!!
So glad we did it!!

#69 Try out Birkam Yoga

Took a free class at the Yoga Shelter in RO last fall.

It was awesome!

Hard to breath at first but by the end I was feeling so limber and so drenched!
Sweating out all those toxins was awesome... wish I knew how bad it was going to get... would've been nice to grab a few more towels so I wasn't sliding all over my mat (ick).

#49 - Stay awake until midnight on New Years Eve

There's always 2008, right?

April 15, 2010
Yeah... 2008/2009... ummm.... right....
It's a little fuzzy perhaps because of the pharmaceutical induced coma that I slipped into that night.

I'm not even sure how I should answer NYE 2009/2010 because my body went out but Stella was clearly in control.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

#96 Stay in bed all day and read, sleep, watch movies… preferable with someone else

I did this a few times...

By myself and with someone else (I'll let you guess which one I liked better).

#91 Start carrying around my daily planner again.

Daily Planner... pfht... whatevs!!!! That is so 2007!
I bought a blackberry... invested in a cheapy $5 app and now I'm totally addicted.

#42 Get a tarot card reading or visit a fortune teller

So I went to one...
I think I paid $40...
Was it worth it?
Oh hell no!!!

The chick said to me that there were too many things interfering with her giving me a proper reading; that mind was to wrapped up thinking about things I can't get over.
Yeah - no shit - I get it... but how the hell does that keep me from find out my 'oooooo' future? After a bit a whining and saying that I wanted my money back she did tell me that I will meet someone very nice and get married soon.
Nice try sweets.... chances of me getting married are extremely low not because of lack of opportunity but because I'm just not that dumb.

I'll check this off as being done... but not completed.

#37 Go to a Star Wars convention

Ok... so here's my chance!!!!!!

There's a Major Star Wars Convention going on in August in Orlando.

I only see three little problems...

1) It's in Florida which requires time off, travel time, airfare/gas, hotel, blah, blah, blah

2) It's in Florida... in August... which means walking around with millions of Star Wars nerds in a blast furnace sweating our asses off.

3) It's an out of state Star Wars convention. Who the fuck could I drag to go to an out of state Star Wars convention.


#18 - Cook 50 new recipes

Have been using the slow cooker a lot more then I used to and now that I have a grill I've gotten some practice.
So far I've made

Slow Cooker
1) Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff (awesome!)
2) Fajita Stew
3) Swiss Steak (boo!!!)

On The Grill
1) Salmon with Dill Sauce

In The Kitchen
1) Baked Spaghetti

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

#10 - Sell anything that I'm not using on E-Bay or Craigslist

The Hogan Hero 12" Figurines are up on E-bay...

February 17, 2008
Posted on Craigslist on Tuesday, offer came through Wednesday by Saturday the elliptical cycle was GONE!

April 13, 2010
God there was so much more!!!
The stuck in the 70's coffee & end tables - Craigslist
The second set of Pflatzgraff Star Trek Voyager dinner set with cup that I got for Christmas like 10 years ago. The original price tag on it was $50 I think I sold it for $40... yeah me on Ebay.
Sold a bunch of chotskies on ebay.
Gave away like 50 shot glasses, a couple hundred CD's and some records through Freecycle.
The shit move that I made was that I sold a bunch of books on Amazon and had the money transferred into my bank account on record... which of course the ex's bank account. $50 bucks that I'll never see... maybe he thought it was an overdue wedding gift. Phft

I tried selling some more books on Amazon but ended up getting fucked over in the end... cost more to sell the book & ship it then what I made (boo). But I found this site and sold off 15 books last night for $24 bucks. Yeah... I know... not a lot but it's for crap that was just collecting dust in my back room.

#23 Convince my mom that this year we should get a family picture, before the family gets any smaller


I think that... ya know... once upon a time... when I wanted to live some American sitcom idealic family that this item was important to me.

I wish it was still... I hate to seem so bitter but perhaps, as they say, I am just realistic.

#38 Get Passport

So the passport thing was in the works for a long time. Got the picture taken July '08 but was such a dumb ass that I didn't file the paperwork until May '09 and that was only because I needed to get over to Canada for the Freedom Festival.
So I have it...
I've used it once...
As lame as it is I'm pretty sure that the only place I'll use it will be crossing the Canadian border.
Goddamn... I need to find a good reason to really use it, ya know, for a legitimate boarder crossing.

#7 Pay off Visa

Amex is paid off!!!!

But the Visa..... no :(

#3 Go to a city council meeting

Have made it to about a half dozen or so meetings.
It's kinda nerdy but I like my little town so I'm gonna keep going.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

#6 - Finish painting the den

It's now this crazy blue with white trim.
I plan to decorate with black furniture.

UPDATE: April 10, 2010
Well it was...Now it just looks like a crack den.Decided that the chair molding was just not what I wanted in there and for the life of me COULD NOT get a clear line on where the wall ended and the ceiling began which meant it was just a wavy goofy line... ugh.
So I'm starting over... again.
I had an idea of painting it a light purplish-gray color and then put up these Bilk vinyl wall art flowers... so pretty :)Started peeling the paint off because there were so many layers and with the railing missing the wall was bumpy buuuuuttttttt that turned out to be a really stupid idea. So the den is... once again... in shitty shape. FML