Saturday, May 2, 2009

#36 - Go the Hazel Park Racetrack

Went on August 22, 2008.
With a wonderful guy.
Had a wonderful time & won money!!!

Hazel Park Racetrack

#25 - Redo my hardwood floors

Ok... so I had a little help but, hey, it's done :)

#20 - Have at least one Girls Night Out

I've met a great group of women.
Dinners, book club, sex toy party, Mega 80's, psychic party, murder mystery.
Too much fun.
Johnnie :x

#11 - Paint the living room so it looks a little less sterile

It's now a new color...
It's called Neutral.
It's better then white

#1 - Read one book off my GoodReads list

I've joined a book club... or two.

As it happens the first book club meeting we read a book that I've been dying to read...

It was great. I'm glad I'm in the club and I'm so impressed and adore this book.


After a little time off I've come back to this list.
Honestly, I forgot this list all together... It's funny to come back and take a peek at what I just happened to accomplish without thinking...