Wednesday, February 27, 2008

#21 - Call someone that I've lost touch with

February 27, 2008
Ok... he started it but it's still pretty cool anyway.
The Prom Date contacted me!!
Lemme explain - the Prom Date was more then just a friend but never never turned into the bf/gf. There was potential but the timing was completely off (and I was completely stupid).
We'll "Spray the Beast" and enjoy a little "Twist of Cain" cuz "Just like me we long to be close to you" and "We don't fuckin' care" "Oi! Oi! Oi!"

December 21, 2007
I'm not sure if I can really count this one or not... Might have a do-over somewhere down the line...
I sent a text message to someone that's been trying to get ahold of me for awhile but that I've been blowing off. I started thinking about things last Friday, it's sort of one of those toxic things to keep ignoring someone besides it's REALLY immature.

So last Friday I sent him a text message and he responded.
After sending a few dozen back and forth he asked if I wanted to meet up at Somerset the next day, he had some Christmas shopping to do. So I met him up at J.Alexanders, we had a drink, talked, went to Starbucks, got some more coffee and then sat down near Nordstroms and talked some more. I guess it was ok. Nothing spectacular. Nothing stimulating. Just ok. When we left he said that the ball was in my court as to if I wanted to hang out again.
Monday morning I got an e-mail from him. "What's up? Hows your day?" I didn't respond.
Thursday morning I got an e-mail asking if I wanted to meet up before he went up north for Christmas. Again, I didn't respond.
This morning I got a text message "So u don't want to see me again?"
I thought about it. The pro's the con's, the pluses and minuses and sent a message back to him.
"It was nice to catch up but just so you know I don't think we'd be anything more then just friends."
It's true... there's nothing there that challenged me, that made me believe that if I hung out with him it wouldn't be going to movies or sitting on the couch. There's only so many times I can throw out lines to movies or make obscure references to Seinfeld. I'd be bored out of my mind if I hung out with him more then once every two weeks. I guess if I wanted a free meal every now and then I'd stick with it... but I need more then just a frat boy.
The reason why I think this should be a do-over is that I kinda knew up front that was what I'd take from meeting up with him. It's gotta be better then this

#61 - Quit smoking... except when I'm drinking

See number 82 probably be a good idea if I did it so I could accomplish number 62 as well.

#82 - Stop believing what a drunk person says or does

This one would be a whole lot easier if I stopped listening so closely when I'm drunk.
Some how getting drunk four times in the course of four days probably isn't that condusive to accomplishing this goal, eh?
So... I'm cutting back.
Cutting WAYYYYY back.

#14 - Visit my Grandma at least once a month UPDATED

February 27, 2008
Stopped by on Saturday.
I love that woman!
Even though she spent the last 20 minutes there reading the prior week and the upcoming week lunch & dinner menu.
The word "Yuck" was said a lot.
I promised next time I was up I'd bring her a pizza

It didn't happen in January. I swear I'll be there in February.

Monday, February 18, 2008

#26 - Learn what a mop is… trying using it once a week

Still not a big fan of the mop BUT have figured out how to use those Swiffer thingys... but not how the sheets were ment to be used.
This is gonna come out nasty no matter how I put it soooooooo

I'm just like workin' it while I'm on my hands and knees.

At least it's getting done, right?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

#31 - Complete one year of Project 365

I have the pictures... it's the posting that's a problem right now.

#78 - Learn how to swing dance or salsa dance

Going tonight (2/7/08) to a place that does salsa dancing & lessons.
Wish me luck!!

#33 - Ask a complete stranger out on a date


#2 - Start volunteering at the animal shelter again, at least one day a week.

Ok... that was the plan.
I was supposed to go in on New Years Eve morning to do a little pooper scooper action... I arrived at 9am - no one was there... I stayed until 9:30 and left, went grocery shopping and came home.
I got home, checked the e-mail confirmation that I got and found out that I wasn't supposed to be there until 10am.
I e-mailed after the 1st and said I'd start coming in on Sunday mornings. The first Sunday morning rolled around and I was, eh hmm, a little preoccupied and under the weather.
So there you go...
I'm a loser.
I'm contemplating about finding a new place - but haven't been that motivated just yet.