Wednesday, February 27, 2008

#21 - Call someone that I've lost touch with

February 27, 2008
Ok... he started it but it's still pretty cool anyway.
The Prom Date contacted me!!
Lemme explain - the Prom Date was more then just a friend but never never turned into the bf/gf. There was potential but the timing was completely off (and I was completely stupid).
We'll "Spray the Beast" and enjoy a little "Twist of Cain" cuz "Just like me we long to be close to you" and "We don't fuckin' care" "Oi! Oi! Oi!"

December 21, 2007
I'm not sure if I can really count this one or not... Might have a do-over somewhere down the line...
I sent a text message to someone that's been trying to get ahold of me for awhile but that I've been blowing off. I started thinking about things last Friday, it's sort of one of those toxic things to keep ignoring someone besides it's REALLY immature.

So last Friday I sent him a text message and he responded.
After sending a few dozen back and forth he asked if I wanted to meet up at Somerset the next day, he had some Christmas shopping to do. So I met him up at J.Alexanders, we had a drink, talked, went to Starbucks, got some more coffee and then sat down near Nordstroms and talked some more. I guess it was ok. Nothing spectacular. Nothing stimulating. Just ok. When we left he said that the ball was in my court as to if I wanted to hang out again.
Monday morning I got an e-mail from him. "What's up? Hows your day?" I didn't respond.
Thursday morning I got an e-mail asking if I wanted to meet up before he went up north for Christmas. Again, I didn't respond.
This morning I got a text message "So u don't want to see me again?"
I thought about it. The pro's the con's, the pluses and minuses and sent a message back to him.
"It was nice to catch up but just so you know I don't think we'd be anything more then just friends."
It's true... there's nothing there that challenged me, that made me believe that if I hung out with him it wouldn't be going to movies or sitting on the couch. There's only so many times I can throw out lines to movies or make obscure references to Seinfeld. I'd be bored out of my mind if I hung out with him more then once every two weeks. I guess if I wanted a free meal every now and then I'd stick with it... but I need more then just a frat boy.
The reason why I think this should be a do-over is that I kinda knew up front that was what I'd take from meeting up with him. It's gotta be better then this


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