Friday, April 30, 2010

#85 - Write up a list of 100 things that make me happy (4/30/10)

  1. Sitting near the fireplace with my cat on my lap.
  2. James Bond movie marathons (duh)
  3. Laying in my bed, when it's cold out and spooning with my dogs.
  4. Stoffers Macaroni & Cheese with the edges a little crispy.
  5. Unexpected compliments.
  6. Pants that used to be tight that are falling off now.
  7. Hugging my Grandma.
  8. Doing a fall color tour.
  9. Sitting on my front porch in the summer, reading a book and drinking coffee or slurpees.
  10. Going for rides in a Jeep, in the summer, with the top off.
  11. Walking into a bar or coffee shop and they already know what I want.
  12. A home cooked dinner in a big family setting.
  13. A comfy t-shirt, well worn jeans and a pair of Chuck's
  14. Drunken text messages
  15. My neighbor using his snow blower to clear off my sidewalk.
  16. Hot turkey sandwiches with corn and plenty of gravy.
  17. Smiling at a stranger and then the stranger smiles back.
  18. Curling up in a blanket or wearing a shirt that smells like a guy I'm involved with.
  19. Downy Vanilla & Lavender fabric softener.
  20. Making eye contact with a guy that's checking me out.
  21. Walking in the rain.
  22. Getting in one of those moods where I just need to throw shit away... nothing says ahhh more then three huge bags of garbage.
  23. The way my hair looks & feels after a good hair cut
  24. Waking up in the morning... doing all sorts of weird stretches and making crazy funny noises then rolling over and hitting the snooze button on the alarm.
  25. Finding money in a pocket of a jacket that I haven't worn in a few months
  26. Popping zits & ingrown hairs on a guys back.
  27. Looking at the clock when it's 11:11... because someone's thinking about me.
  28. Finding that one last piece of good candy hidden behind the microwave popcorn in the junk food drawer.
  29. Watching elderly couples look at each other lovingly... holding hands... being romantic.
  30. Those stupid "Diamonds Are Forever" commercials.
  31. Secretly sniffing my armpits and realizing that I don't stink.
  32. Napping outside.
  33. When my MP3 player plays the exact songs that I'm in the mood to hear.
  34. Getting walked to my front door after a first date... without any instance that they should come in.
  35. Singing in the car, driving real fast on a nice sunny day.
  36. When my dog or cat knows I'm in a bad mood and curls up with me and doesn't move for awhile.
  37. Rooftop margaritas.
  38. When you hit that point in a relationship when it's ok to fart or burp (occasionally) in front of each other.
  39. When my boss brings me coffee and I don't expect it.
  40. Laughing so hard that my stomach hurts and it's hard to catch my breath.
  41. Cute Craigslists "Missed Connections" posts.
  42. Soggy french fries.
  43. Custard on a cool summer night.
  44. Clean sheets
  45. Sitting outside during a rainstorm... especially when you're out in the woods.
  46. That hour or two after a really good hard work out when the pain feels good and productive but before it becomes really sore.
  47. Old folks that sit on the porch that smile & wave when I'm out walking the dogs.
  48. Not getting a hangover when I was really expecting one.
  49. Hugging a good hugger.
  50. That dizzy feeling I get if I sneeze three or four times in a row.
  51. Wearing clothes that just came out of the dryer on a cold morning.
  52. Watching the three kids that live in a nearby house grow up over the past eight years.
  53. Getting that little piece of goo out of the corner of my eye and it turns out to be a lot longer then I thought it was.
  54. Puppies
  55. A glass of Merlot on a warm rainy night
  56. The smell of fall
  57. Hair gel that smells like Dippity Do and it brings up memories of high school.
  58. Driving along and seeing someone you know and wave at them and they wave back
  59. Taking off my heels after walking around in them for hours and stepping into my comfy slippers
  60. Caribou Spicy Pumpkin coffee... only in the fall :(
  1. a work in process)


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